F Sharp on Recorder

F Sharp on Recorder

When we are playing in the key of G major, the seventh grade of that scale is the note F sharp.

Therefore, we must keep in mind that we will be using this note frequently so it is best to learn it as soon as possible.

When we play in the key of D Major we must also know the notes, F sharp and C sharp.

A good option to practice this note is to try to play any song that is in the key of G Major or D Major.

How to play F sharp on recorder

To play F sharp with our recorder we must cover with our left hand all the holes including the back hole and with our right hand we will only cover holes 5 and 6.

You will get the F sharp, this note is the enharmonic of the note G flat.

Notice how it is also written on the stave, in the first space and with its corresponding sharpened sign.

f sharp on recorder

2 thoughts on “F Sharp on Recorder”

  1. thats really stupid, F sharp is actually fingers on the 3 first holes then skip the fourth hole then lay your middle finger on the 5th note and lay your ring finger on the 6th hole and DONT lay your finger on the last hole.

    • It’s correct for baroque fingering on soprano and tenor, or I’m in serious trouble. You may be referring to recorders with German fingering.

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