How to play All Star on Recorder

How to play All Star on Recorder

Finally, here’s the lesson you’ve all been waiting for. How to play All Star on the recorder.
Isn’t it true, you have asked me for this song many times but due to the complication of making a lesson it took me a long time to divide the parts for you. But here it is, let’s start playing it!
Join the parts of your recorder and let’s start blowing, keep in mind that this is a pretty advanced recorder song, especially the part that has sixteenth note rhythmic figures.

But first of all, let’s summarize the history of this song:

All star is a song by Smash Mouth which is a musical group. This band has several genres; hardcore punk, hard rock, ska punk…..
It has 13 albums. The band was formed in California in 1994 and is still around. All star song belongs to the album Astro Lounge and was released in 1999.
The song appeared in the movie Shrek. Movie that came out in 2001, it has five parts.
This song has a grammy. The key is in F#. The lyrics go very fast but it is not difficult at all. It lasts: 3,20 minutes
The video clip is very interactive. And funny. This song has electronic sounds.

⭐️All Star Recorder Notes

As we have already explained the original song is in the key of F sharp major. In this lesson we are going to study it in G major, it will be much easier to play it with our recorder. We don’t have any altered notes!

To play all star on recorder you have to master these notes that are within the G major scale:

G note

A note 

B note

C note

High C note

D note

High D note

E note

As you may have noticed in G major we have the note F sharp but this note does not appear at any time in the song. So you have no more excuses to play the All Star on recorder, they are very easy and you can review them here. Click on the note you want to study individually.

Let’s get started!  This is the best all star recorder sheet music

all star on the recorder

As you can see, this is the verse of the song and it is not very difficult to play.
We need to master these musical notes on the recorder:

  1. G note
  2. Note B
  3. A note
  4. Note D sharp
  5. Note D low
  6. Note E low

You should pay special attention to the repeating squares. In the first lap of the song we will play square 1 where the note E is slurred from the previous measure. Then we will have to go back to the beginning and repeat all the measures and jump to square two with the note la which is also slurred from the previous measure.
Even if the slur is not placed on the note la, you must play it. Don’t forget to listen to the audio of the song as many times as you need to, press play!

⭐️All Star on Recorder with Fingers

how to play all star on the recorder

Second part of all star on the recorder. Pay attention to the fingers that are marked on the recorder sheet music.
This part does not have much difficulty of notes but instead you must be very careful with the air because of the speed of this part we have to blow very fast and very short.
This song is ideal to practice the staccato technique, the staccato is to cut the duration of the note approximately half of its value.

As you will see we have divided the audio of this part in two. This is because we want you to study each part separately. This way you will carefully blow out each part and then you will be able to put them together with little difficulty. Don’t be afraid to play the audio over and over again, it’s free!


⭐️All Star on the Recorder (difficult part)

This is the most difficult part. Be very careful with the rhythm in this part, besides going very fast you have to blow without making the notes too long. For this you can listen to the audio that will be of great help as a reference to understand the short notes.

all star recorder music smash mout

⭐️All star recorder Chorus

And of course, finally came the chorus. The most desired and awaited part for you. Curiously the chorus is not the most difficult part of the song, you will have already realized that the previous part is very difficult. So this chorus of All Star will be very easy for you to master. What are you waiting for to blow, you can listen to the audio as a reference as usual.

all star on recorder with fingers

Don’t forget to repeat the first two bars of the chorus. You have to continue reading the bars, you have the notes with letters and also the fingers of the recorder. Chorus!

6 thoughts on “How to play All Star on Recorder”

  1. Thank you so much for adding this song, I love it. I was looking for it and this is the best site, I’m practicing it because it’s a little difficult but I’ll get to play it, thanks

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